Numerous food vendors in Union Market come and go, leaving locals and residents to wonder why these places aren’t permanent. That’s because the gourmet food hall wasn’t designed to host the same restaurants for a long...
The D.C. policy agenda has pushed clean energy for more than 10 years. Now, local officials are pressing solar energy to encourage environmentally conscious consumption.
Over a dozen people rallied on Connecticut Avenue to protest the city’s plan to add protected bike lanes on the road. A smaller group of counter protestors made their support for the lanes known.
On Friday evening, the Red Line faced disruptions as the Tenleytown-AU metro station closed due to a reported fire incident, causing delays and inconveniences for commuters.
Shaw’s return to Ward 2 would make representation and community projects easier, but it would also create whiplash for a neighborhood that’s been in a game of ping pong.
Two separate incidents took place between 3 and 4 p.m. Sunday on Meridian Place NW. Neighborhood residents say crime has decreased since the MPD installed a closed-circuit television trailer this summer.