The Wash

Do fans really know their Nats?

Is everyone in D.C. pretending to be a Nats fan just because they’re in the World Series?

The Wash grabbed fans outside of Nationals stadium during Friday’s game to find out.

We asked so-called fans how Bryce Harper played this season for the Nats (he didn’t), who their favorite player is and who pitched the last game they watched. Even though the answers varied, support for the Nats didn’t!


Emily Hayes

I’m a graduate student in international journalism and public affairs at American University, focusing on immigration and emigration in Europe, as well as climate change.

I’m currently working as a Washington, D.C., correspondent for the publication i-Italy, investigating news such as the growth of Italian language programs in the United States.

I also report on energy sustainability for the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, including a unique partnership between the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and local businesses.

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