In the ongoing debate surrounding affordable housing in Montgomery County, the tension between the county's initiatives and the sentiments of community members persists. While Montgomery County has garnered acclaim for...
Parking issues plague Bethesda's Elmo Avenue due to new apartment construction. Neighborhood businesses and residents complain construction workers are taking over the downtown parking garage, leaving few open options.
Nursery businesses have witnessed a surge in the utilization of native plants in gardens and landscaping throughout Bethesda. Not only has this trend enhanced the region's aesthetic appeal, but it has also played a...
Bethesda small businesses were ordered to vacate the development zone by November 30. With a long history in the neighborhood, shop owners said higher rental prices are forcing them to close for good.
An initiative called "Rug Money" is taking center stage in the Amy Kaslow Gallery, demonstrating how artistry, economies, and access to opportunity can impact with indigenous lives.
Restaurant owners and workers are brainstorming strategies to maintain a peaceful environment within the Streeteries. A small faction of individuals has been causing disturbances for restaurant patrons along Norfolk...